Monday, June 15, 2009

Secuity and EMR, Will Cloud Help?

It will depend on management and their IT department. I was consulting for a hospital in Central Oregon that had 40 application running an 40 Microsoft machines to host. This is not an Enterprise system. The change to Enterprise Cloud will take time and training of desk top IT staff.
Cloud computing has been around for a very long time it is proven to work. It is basically client server or a WebApp. The security will always remain in the hands for the decision makers to know how to make the correct choices and implement the control policies. For laptops and desktops that do not have hard drives Cloud will provide much security. But again the implementation must be correct.

On the subject of EMR security, Cloud security can be very safe but you must do your homework on the hosting facility and their policies. Most EMR's are on a server in a closet in doctors offices or in the developer of the EMR offices. One of the biggest risk is server snatching, when at ID thief breaks into the Doctors office and just takes the servers.

Jeff Brandt MotionPHR Personal Health Record for the iPhone
myMedBox PHRlite for Android

June 15,

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